Want a free Online Store?
Have you thought about having an online store for your products?
Maybe, you have a company and you want all of your employees to wear your logo, instead of some other company’s logo, to work everyday. This way they are not advertising for those companies, for free, those companies make plenty of money. How about having your employees wear your company logo instead, advertise for you. They would wear it to and from work, if they stop anywhere on their way to work or stop someplace on their way from work, people will see your logo. You can put your logo on hats, shirts, bags, mugs, drink containers, you name it. In the long run, this is the least expensive form of advertising there is and it is something that will be seen over and over again for years to come. That’s getting the most bang for your buck!
Do you have a team? Team wear & fan wear are very poplar. Show your colors. Raise money for your team. We can help. It is easy to do and you don’t have to do a lot, it’s virtually automatic. Just give everyone the url or link and it’s done. That simple. Contact us and we can help.
Schools? We have set up many stores for school boosters. School uniforms. School events. School championships. School fundraisers. Let us help you get your project off the ground. We have been doing this for many years and can help you with your School project. Give us a call.
Ask us about our Free Online stores!